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Let's Have Coffee


Never underestimate the things God can do in the time that it takes you to drink a cup of coffee. A couple of years ago, Creative Blessings did not exist. Through word of mouth, I was made aware of the desperation of some young people who lived on the other side of the globe in a place called Ghana. I learned that there was a school that existed there that placed Christ and the needs of young people first. It was a place that offered education, training in marketable skills, and most importantly the opportunity to accept and to grow in Christ.

A tearful post on social media led to meeting an old friend for a cup of coffee. There at that table, God began to lay out a plan. As thoughts and ideas were shared, the structure began to fall into place. God already had the team roster—a diverse group whose unity would begin to breathe hope and future into this movement that has blessed dozens and dozens of people. Those blessings have been sown into local families in need, at-risk youth, mission efforts of local youth groups, and of course, in the sponsoring of the precious students in Ghana. Those blessings came through men and women just like you. Without you, there could be no Creative Blessings. Every win is a win we share together.

At our December meeting, a dream to bless children entering the foster care system was shared. Within minutes, the ideas were flowing and the plan was in place. Nothing is impossible when it comes to God, and He continues to amaze us time after time.

See, faith feels scary at times. Sharing your heart and your God dreams can be the hardest things we ever do. Courage to act on behalf of others is where Christ dwells. As we start another year, I challenge you to share your God dreams courageously, and to have the confidence that God will make those dreams a reality. See, He already has the team roster. He is simply waiting for us to step up to the plate. Here’s to another great year of blessing others and dreaming even bigger dreams. It can all come together in the time it takes to finish your coffee.

January, 2017

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Creative Blessings Corporation

P.O. Box 58

Perry, Ohio 44081

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